Welkom op de officiële website van celliste Pamela Smits!
Bekend door haar gepassioneerde en expressieve manier van spelen is het haar duidelijk aanwezige muzikale persoonlijkheid en charisma wat haar onderscheidt.
"The road to succes is paved with mistakes well handled..”
--Buddhistische uitdrukking
“Even the sun has spots..”
--György Sebök, pianist.
"Ms. Pamela Smits is an exceptionally talented cellist and musician."
--Janos Starker, cellist
"..Ms. Pamela Smits whom I consider one of the most dedicated and
musically gifted cellist in her generation."
--Tsuyoshi Tsutsumi, cellist
"Pamela Smits not only has great command of the cello, but also possesses the rare and unique gift of true communication through her instrument."
--Chauncey Patterson, former violist Miami String Quartet
"Competition is for horses, not artists."
--Béla Bartók