
"Smits’s technical wizardry is nothing short of amazing, but it’s secured in service to an equally instinctive musicality.”

Jerry Dubins, American Fanfare Magazine, USA

"The Sonata, dedicated to her, fits her like a glove: musical extremes that demand great technical skill.. The soulful playing of Smits inexorably impresses that despair upon the listener..The last movement..provides ample scope to Smits’ intuitive almost improvising way of playing." [World première. Hans Kox – 2nd cello solo sonata]

Ynske Gunning, Haarlems Dagblad, the Netherlands


“She and Tobias Borsboom at the piano enchanted with their playing - at times with fireworks, at others with subtle interpretation, and at other moments with intimate tenderness. Two poets of the keys and strings had found each other.”
Westdeutsche Zeitung, Germany


“Exceptional artistic duo from the Netherlands enchanted the Church.
..a musical drama with "goose bumps", a thriller: exciting and dramatic at times; fresh, light and alive at others, sounds in search of peace. Pamela Smits elicited from her cello unforgettable tones that got under the skin. 

What the artist duo presented was not merely a concert of the classical kind, but Character turned into music, sparkling and inspiring, as if the musical pair wanted to make the stars dance.” [with Tobias Borsboom]

Sylke Jacobs, Haaner Treff, Germany

"Pamela Smits is superb..with a clear mastery of her instrument, excellent intonation and a deep expression in her performance."  

Nick Peros, Phoenix Classical, Canada


"..Pamela Smits possesses a full-bodied tone and (has) a strong emotional expressivity ..incredible balance between the voices that the duo achieved in their interpretation of the (Chopin) G Minor Sonata...Smits delivered pure soulful expression..” [concert Chopin-Society with Sabine Simon] 

Silvia Adler, Darmstädter Echo 


“Her phenomenal technical expertise and overwhelming musicality impressed the audience in this far from easily accessible work." [Hans Kox Cello Concerto]

Martine Mussies,


“Sparkling piano sounds, singing cello tones in the fantastic interplay of soloists Pamela Smits and Tobias Borsboom. Smits and Borsboom captivated their audience in every piece of music, showing technical skill paired with sensitivity. Floating, tender, yearning and longing traversed the church nave. (..) Booming applause, standing ovations.”

 Astrid Schoene. Die Rheinische Post, Germany


“For she plunges the listener into an alternating bath of emotions, excites and calms, shocks with her sudden dissociative changes. With her sensitive approach to playing Pamela Smits showed herself to be more than a match for the refined virtuosity of it" [Ligeti solo sonata].

Südthüringische Zeitung, Germany 

"After years of touring the world stages together, they seem to communicate by telepathy, sensing each other's expressive mood and adjusting to it on the fly. Pamela Smits herself transforms the tone of her instrument inkeeping with the piece at hand, and finds its emotional nucleus."  [with Sabine Simon]

Jean-Yves Duperron, Classical Music Sentinal, USA


“Explicit joyfulness
..the interplay expresses itself with pronounced joyful playing. With a lightness, that only absolute technically accomplished musicians can achieve.. Smits and Den Hengst find each other every time in the constant soundworld changes with absolute certainty. Seldom did a concert repertoire reflect such a broad stylistic range, rarely did so much exiting merging between two interpreters prevail." 

Die Rheinische Post, Germany

"Rousing music making at the Akademie für Tonkunst.
..Ottawa-born cellist Pamela Smits stood out with enthralling temperament and beautiful tone."

Klaus von Trapp, Darmstädter Echo


“Wonderful artistry here as well from the team of Pamela Smits and Sabine Simon, who play this often difficult music as if it presents no challenges, only rewards.“  

Lee Passarella, Audiophile Audition


"The performances are remarkable. Listen to the compelling and melodious playing of both performers. And to the interaction between cello and piano… (it) never negates the innate temperament and feel for color the music demands. Rhapsodies to die for and, if it did not already exist, someone would have to invent the repeat button for the Dvorák Rondo." [with Sabine Simon]

CD review Felix Austria- Leeuwarder Courant, the Netherlands

"These two outstanding musicians have wowed many audiences, leaving them in awe by their brilliant performances with first-rate playing, impassioned musicianship and musical intelligence." [with Sabine Simon]

Holland Art Centre, the Netherlands

"Pohadka...unfolded with breathtaking beauty, enchanting like an old saga... Surrealistic worlds of sound were evoked, bewildering and fulminating, in a way boundless to any restriction by both musicians.... These magnificent exceptional artists were applauded with great acclaim."  [with Sabine Simon]

Thüringische Landeszeitung, Germany   

"Beethovens' third Sonata..a gorgeous opening piece, Bruchs gripping Kol Nidrei, heartbreakingly beautiful played…the Spanish pieces are a treat." [with Maarten den Hengst]

 Haarlems Dagblad, the Netherlands


“..performed by two excellent musicians, Pamela Smits (cello) and Sabine Simon (piano). The musical realisation of both compositions show that the artists have a good understanding of the musical idiom of Kodály. The contrasts of lyrical expression and passionate melodic declamation as well as the rhythmic characters .. are convincingly presented. In the further Hungarian works we can also appreciate the sensitivity and clear musical expression of Pamela Smits and Sabine Simon.” 

CD review Felix Austria– International Kodály Society, Hungary

"Pamela Smits showcased, especially in the second movement of C.Ph.E. Bach’s cello concerto in A major, her  considerable musical talent. Her tempestuous approach to this work, with great contrasts in tempo and dynamics ... the conviction of her playing, based on a sturdy foundation of solid technique…” 

Jan Misdom, Drents Dagblad, the Netherlands

“Smits provided some secure bowing and elastic finger work. She produces a sinewy tonal quality and knows how to evoke the right levels of passion. We had a promising young artist. It was a pleasure to hear her… the soloist seemed to play with a sense of assurance and performed with poise.” [Tchaikovsky’s Variations on a Rococo Theme]  

Peter Jacobi, Herald Times, Indiana, USA


“This CD with French Cellomusic.. is more than just a high level demonstration of technique. The two instrumentalists, Pamela Smits.. and ... Sabine Simon mould the notes, paint with it and share  a warm connection that speaks of a steady course and clear musical vision.”

CD review French Cello- Leeuwarder Courant, Netherlands